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How to Create Contact Lists for Email & Direct Mail Marketing

When you send out emails or create a marketing mailing to reach specific people, the outcome is almost always positive. You want to make sure that your marketing emails and direct mailers are reaching their intended audience. This can be a time-consuming process, so we’ve put together some simple steps that will help you get started on the right track faster. Follow these easy steps to start tracking and targeting your email & direct mail marketing today:



Define your goals and objectives

Before you begin collecting and managing contacts and buy targeted email lists, you’ll want to first define your goals. What are you trying to accomplish with your marketing? There are many different ways to go about this. Once you’ve done this, you’ll have a better understanding of your overall objectives, and you’ll be well-positioned to start collecting contacts.


Set up a marketing tool that is easy to use

Once you’ve identified the audience you want to target, the next step to success is to find a marketing tool that is easy to use. You don’t have to be an expert in marketing to use these tools, but you do have to be comfortable using the tools in order to optimize your efforts. It should be as simple as possible to set up a campaign, collect emails, and automatically track opens and clicks on your emails. 


Determine who your ideal customer is

Just because you’re sending out emails to a certain audience doesn’t mean that they’re the right audience for your products or services. In many cases, you may want to reach a different audience that you’ve previously overlooked. To find your ideal customer, sit down with your sales team and brainstorm ideas for capturing their attention. What are they interested in? What are they concerned about? What are they feeling? 


Define a list you will use for future marketing

After you’ve determined who your ideal customer is, it’s time to create a list of them. This list will be the foundation for all future marketing efforts, and it’s also the basis for building a relationship with your customer. You can choose to create a mailing list on your own, or you can choose to use a service like ContactLists that will create a custom list for you that is tailored to your business. Your list should include people who you think may be interested in your products or services, but who aren’t yet, and who you want to be, in the future.


Create an email sequence that leads to the conversion you want the customer to take

Now that you’ve got a list of potential customers, it’s time to create a lead magnet that gets them interested in your business. Here are a few different ways to go about this:

 – Free Products: You can offer free products or offer to give a gift with purchase. This helps you to get your name out and can also open the door to future deals and discounts. 

– Invitation: You can also offer an invitation to purchase from you in the future. This can be a follow-up email to a previous lead magnet, or it can be a brand-new lead magnet. 

– Offer: You can also offer a deal that includes some form of payment, like a gift card, or a free trial of your product or service.


Create an email sequence that leads to the action you want the customer to take

After you’ve built out the lead magnet to include the free product or service or the free invitation or offer, it’s time to create the lead sequence that will get the customer to take that action. 

Here are a few different types of actions you may want to prompt the customer to take: 

– Click on the link in the email: This will take your potential customer to the next step, which is to click on the link you’ve included in the email.

– Download the app or make the call: You can also include a call-to-action in the email, like “Download the app or call us at (123) 123-1212 to start saving today!” 

– Buy the product or give the gift: You can also include a gift-card code or other special offers for the customer to use at a future date.



Now that you’ve created the lead magnet for your contact list, you’re ready to start collecting emails and building out a marketing campaign! The best way to do this is to use a tool like ContactLists to create a custom list that’s relevant to your business, contains interesting subjects, and is easy to manage. Then, follow these steps to track down your leads and get them on the ground with your brand.